Friday, April 13, 2007

Effective Outreach For Your Neighborhood Council

Why To Attend The Saturday April 21st Neighborhood Congress at the Bonaventure Hotel

If you want to increase community outreach, develop jobs and businesses in your community or need more parks and green spaces in your community - the Los Angeles Neighborhood Congress has multiple experts to answer your questions as well as NC members to tell you their success stories.

You will each be given specific action items to take back to your communities Monday morning to get to work to solve these problems. So register today to take advantage of these free programs at the Bonaventure hotel where both the parking and the lunch are also totally free at

Our third session will be about effective outreach.

Everyone talks about outreach, but nobody seems to know what to do about it. Well, here’s the place for the latest ideas in promoting what your NC is doing in your community.

Our main guest speaker is Rob Barrett who is head of all things web and interactive at the Los Angeles Times. He is also in charge of making the LA Time website the place to go for hyper-local coverage of the communities of Los Angeles.

And while he has a lot to say on how we can use the Times to promote the NC movement, just as importantly he – and the LA Times – want to hear from us about how we feel how can do a better job covering our neighborhoods. One of the ideas we might discuss with him is each community in Los Angeles having its own web page – with a link to each community’s neighborhood councils

And there may be a special surprise guest from the Times, too, so stay tuned for updates.

Among the other topics covered will how NC’s can get involved in placing computers in underserved parts of the community to allow everyone on-line access, now NC’s can help better connect our communities by providing access to literacy and English as second language classes and programs to better allow everyone in our city to participate in civic affairs and how anyone can create a website in five minutes or less.

South Valley NC’s will also discuss why holding several different NC elections on the same day is allowing to to do coordinated outreach to promote both the NC’s overall and the specific election.

More information will be posted here week on speakers and topics of discussion. And if YOUR neighborhood has any success stories you would like to share next Saturday, email me at

And to register for this and the other LANCC seminars – go to website.